We Ship Live Fish! 100% Live Guarantee!

Neon Tetra (Size S)

Sold in packs of 14

Regular price $2.00 per fish/plant/shrimp

Please ensure the quantity is a multiple of the pack size. Orders with incorrect quantities may be subject to cancellation.

Scientific Name:  Paracheirodon innesi

From our tank to your tank!

We have mastered the art of keeping and shipping aquatic life!

We are the largest tropical fish importer and wholesaler in the Northwest.  We built this store to service small businesses and experienced hobbyists. 

Beginner, please visit your local pet store!

All Aqua Huna brand animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee

For DOA refunds:  Photos are required!

Domestic shipping only!  Sorry, we cannot ship to anyone in Hawaii & Washington State.

We ship on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday via USPS Priority.  Once we get your order, we will ship it within 1 to 3 business days.  For the safety of the animals, we do not ship aquatic life on Thursday and Friday. We do not want live aquatic animals sitting in USPS warehouse over the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.

All fish are picked at random - we can not guarantee male to female ratio

Customer Reviews

Based on 65 reviews
Robert L Richerson

Six weeks ago all arrived healthy. They are still doing great. Very hardy!

Amazing GREAT quality fish

Bought 14 of these a couple of months back, along with some snails and 6 Cory's. ALL still living super healthy and thriving, where as the tetras i get from the stores nearby die in the bag without even making it to my tank or a few days after. Wish i had this quality Fish nearby 10/10.

Shoddy shipping but good fish

I received about 50 small fish two days ago, including 14 small neons. I was surprised when the shipping box had only thin, 1/2” styrofoam pieces lining it and only one warming pack (that was stone cold) on one side, sent to Vermont in March! The fish arrived in water of 63-65 degrees. Fortunately, the shipment took only two days to arrive, not the initially estimated four, by which time I expect everything would have been dead due to thermal shock. A few more thermal packs would have been very appropriate.

Having said that, only 1 tetra died the first day, and all the other fish (danios, Endlers, Corys) are doing great so far! Healthy, strong fish. And the “small” tetras were actually larger than I expected. Overall, I'm very happy, but please consider better shipping practices to cold climates….don't spare the warming packs for goodness sake!