We Ship Live Fish! 100% Live Guarantee!

Kuhli Loach

Sold in packs of 6

Regular price $3.00 per fish/plant/shrimp

Please ensure the quantity is a multiple of the pack size. Orders with incorrect quantities may be subject to cancellation.

Scientific Name:  Pangio kuhlii    

Other common names: Coolie Loach or Prickly Eye

From our tank to your tank!

We have mastered the art of keeping and shipping aquatic life!

We are the largest tropical fish importer and wholesaler in the Northwest.  We built this store to service small businesses and experienced hobbyists. 

Beginner, please visit your local pet store!

All Aqua Huna brand animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee

For DOA refunds:  Photos are required!

Domestic shipping only!  Sorry, we cannot ship to anyone in Hawaii & Washington State.

We ship on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday via USPS Priority.  Once we get your order, we will ship it within 1 to 3 business days.  For the safety of the animals, we do not ship aquatic life on Thursday and Friday. We do not want live aquatic animals sitting in USPS warehouse over the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.

All fish are picked at random - we can not guarantee male to female ratio

Can grow up to 4 inches

See video below:

Customer Reviews

Based on 133 reviews
Geri Addison
Love my Loaches

Arrived healthy and active! Great little fish! Thank you!

So cute and arrived happy and healthy

Soooooo cute! Perfect amount and they arrived happy and healthy and are doing very well over 2 weeks later!

Cute little critters

They arrived well packed, nice and warm and lively. When I added them to the tank they INSTANTLY bolted for hiding spots. Barely even saw them. Now that they've fully acclimated they come out to eat and play once the lights are dimmed for the evening.