We Ship Live Fish! 100% Live Guarantee!

Tiger Barb

Sold in packs of 6

Regular price $3.50 per fish/plant/shrimp

Please ensure the quantity is a multiple of the pack size. Orders with incorrect quantities may be subject to cancellation.

Scientific Name: Puntius tetrazona

Other common name: Sumatra Barb

From our tank to your tank!

We have mastered the art of keeping and shipping aquatic life!

We are the largest tropical fish importer and wholesaler in the Northwest.  We built this store to service small businesses and experienced hobbyists. 

Beginner, please visit your local pet store!

All Aqua Huna brand animals come with a 100% live arrival guarantee

For DOA refunds:  Photo is required

Domestic shipping only!  Sorry, we cannot ship to anyone in Hawaii & Washington State.

We ship on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday via USPS Priority Mail.  Once we get your order, we will ship it within 1 to 3 business days.  For the safety of the animals, we do not ship aquatic life on Thursday and Friday. We do not want live aquatic animals sitting in USPS warehouse over the weekend. Thank you for your understanding.

  • Male/Female: Will be picked at random (no custom orders)

Customer Reviews

Based on 12 reviews
Susan O
Little fishies!

The tiger barbs were all alive when they were delivered. After telothey started schooling and exploring their new home. Still healthy and happy. I will buy from this store again as the delivery is fast the fish are healthy. Thank you

Superb health on arrival

Spending 4 days in the USPS chain did not bother these guys, in their insulated box and well sealed bags and heat pack, even in snowing Colorado - they looked great. 3rd days at home they're looking at home, non past away.

Amy Herrera
Healthy, no losses

I got 18 tiger barbs. I don't believe I had any losses - I can't ever count them all at once, but I watched closely for several days and never saw any dead or sick ones. I expected to deal with ich, but I did plop and drop and "rinsed" them in the net with some tank water before putting them in the tank, and never had a sign of ich. They were very timid for a couple of days but now they even swim up to the cat, or anything moving outside the tank, hoping for some food! This is at least my 3rd order over several years, and it won't be the last.