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Cryptocoryne Wendtii - Red - Potted Plant

Sold in packs of 1

Regular price $7.00 per fish/plant/shrimp

Please ensure the quantity is a multiple of the pack size. Orders with incorrect quantities may be subject to cancellation.

Cryptocoryne Wendtii - Red - Potted Plant

Freshwater Aquarium Plant

Scientific Name: Cryptocoryne wendtii var. Affinis 'Red' 

From our tank to your tank!

We are the largest tropical fish importer and wholesaler in the Northwest.  We built this store to service small businesses and experienced hobbyists. 

Domestic shipping only!  Sorry, we cannot ship to anyone in Hawaii & Washington State.

Our Shipping Days:

We ship on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday via USPS Priority Mail.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Best place for fish! Best place for plants!

I've been buying fish from Aquahuna.com since 2021 and I have Never had a DOA or die-off during the first week or even month!
Many of the fish I've bought are still thriving and some breeding!

So when they started selling plants, you can only imagine my excitement! This first order didn't disappoint! I wish that I could share a picture, because it's better than the picture on this site! I hope they add additional plant species as time goes on.

Thank You, Aquahuna Team!
I want to move there and work with such an amazing fish/plant company!

Sara Diaz
Healthy and stablished

Thank you for the plants. The plants from dusting fishtanks are better quality. These are second to that, aquarium coop has lost quality.

Richard Vavra
Cryptocoryne Wendtii

Purchased two cryptocoryne red Wendtii plants beautiful I will not hesitate to purchase again great price